When it comes to picking out delicious dishes, drinks or breath taking deserts we all know Montreal provides for all.
From our poutine , to our bagels and great smoke meat sandwiches... ( we can't get enough of it ! )

Don't believe me.. check this out.
In 2019 we were ranked one of the best cities to start a restaurant in the world.
In the same breath in 2022 we were known for having 2 of the best restaurants in the world.
As a Montrealer that's a big honor don't you say ?
Now that you're aware of how great our food is and I can imagine when it comes picking out the right catering company in Montreal it might prove to be a difficult task.
The options are plentiful, the dishes are breathtaking, the smells hypnotise you. but which one speaks to you ?
Well lets get start with my recommend top 5 caterers in Montreal
Traiteur G Catering has been a main stable within the Montreal area. More than a decade in the catering world their work ethic , presentation, consistency and deliciousness speaks for itself.
Serving wedding receptions , corporate gathering or galas no matter the size.
If your interested in private catering, whether it maybe at a friends house, your home or a small venue they can deliver time and time again.

Here a few examples of the dishes they offer.
Crudités et trempette
Mini-burger de porc effiloché
Légumes de saison grillés
Fromages fins assortis
Portobello grillé garnis de fromage bocconcini fondant et croustilles de prosciutto de parme arrancini sicilien (boules de risotto farcies de viande et fromage)
Suprême de volaille farci au fromage de chèvre et aux épinards
Poulet parmesan
Poitrine de volaille panée farcie au fromage et au jambon italien
Escalope de volaille au citron
Filet de porc farci aux épinards et au fromage bocconcini
Tendre filet de porc à la moutarde de dijon et au thym
Côtelette de porc avec un mélange de champignons sauvages
Contact : info@traiteurgcatering.com
Location : 8520 Boulevard Parkway
Anjou, Quebec, H1J 1N1
Another great catering company within the Montreal area is '' Les 3 Maitres Gourmands''.
A family run business with a father and son duo giving passion in all their dishes. They have a combined 56 years of experience , technique, vision and execution. All graduating from reputable institutions of education.
Their selection is by far the biggest I've seen in. If your not sure in which to pick, they make the process simple and quick.
Ready to eat
- Fresh and Ready Meals
- Frozen Meals
Catering Service
- Holiday Menu
- Hot Gourmet Buffet
- Breakfast & Brunch
Their selection is endless, another added bonus is their gluten free substitute section. Everyone deserves a great meal !
Below are a few sneak peaks of what they offer
Price : 23.00 $

Price : $ 12.00

Price : $ 24.00

Another great goody is their giving 20$ off the first order code : GOURMAND20
If your interested in contacting them. Here you go
Days Open
7 days on 7
By phone: 514-583-7711
By email: caterer@les3maitresgourmands.com
Villa Tuscana is a great option when it comes to picking a beautiful catering company that also offers a unique catering hall all in one. Located in the heart of Lasalle.
They offer two hall options, in which both are spaces are always private and intimate with its own separate gates only meant for yourself and the guest you invite.
Capicity : 20 - 120 people
Take a quick peak at the venue below !
Hall 1

They offer great vintage Italian dishes personalized for any event and also aim to focus on family gatherings as well.
Sooo... if your thinking about having a hall after baptism, wedding, graduation, baby shower party or all the above . This would fit right in your alley.

Hall 2

Now that you've seen those lovely photos, take a peak at Villa Toscana great menu !
Buffet Menu #1
$20.00 per person
Assorted Mini Sandwiches
Assorted Pizza
Assorted Cheese Platter
Vegetables & Dip
Mini Pastries

Buffet Menu #2
$25.00 per person
Chicken Cutlet
Tortellini Rosé
Green Salad
Mini Pastries

Buffet Menu #3
$30.00 per person
Veal Scallopini
Grilled Vegetables
Mini Pastries

On there site, they have a huge selection of customisation page for their menu, its worth the look.
If your interested in this hall here is their contact information
Location :
Social Media
Contact :
Lastly, we have Froso's Cuzina. If you love traditional, authentic Greek food, then would be your caterier. Amazing dishes left and right but most importantly, made from the heart !
Take a peak at their dishes !

Here a few examples of the dishes offered
"Cette trempette de spanakopita chaude et crémeuse a toutes les saveurs de la tarte aux épinards grecque avec un peu de fromage et de crémeux ajoutés.
Servir avec des craquelins.
This hot and creamy spanakopita dip has all of the flavors of Greek spinach pie with some added cheese and creaminess. Served with crackers. "
Tzatziki 500g $10.00
"Trempette de concombre au yogourt grecque / Greek yogurt cucumber dip"
Trempette fouettée à la feta / Creamy whipped feta dip $15.00
Pour 6 à 8 personnes / Serves 6-8 persons
"Loukaniko est un type de saucisse grecque à base de porc ou d'agneau et généralement aromatisée avec du zeste d'orange, des graines de fenouil et diverses autres herbes et graines séchées"
"Loukaniko is a type of Greek sausage made from pork or lamb and typically flavored with orange peel, fennel seed, and various other dried herbs and seeds"
"Spanakopita est une délicieuse tarte grecque salée composée de couches parfaitement croustillantes de pâte phyllo et d'une garniture réconfortante d'épinards et de fromage feta"
"Spanakopita is a delicious savory Greek pie made of perfectly crispy layers of phyllo dough and a comforting filling of spinach and feta cheese"
Moussaka $50.00 « Végane « $60.00
"Plat à base d'aubergines et pommes de terre avec viande hachée et sauce béchamel
Eggplant and potato based dish with ground meat and bechamel sauce"
Now that you have an idea about the menu, here is the best way to contact them.
Number : 514-999-7795
Email : frososcuzina@gmail.com
Social Media : Facebook